

资源分享学习网-在线学习小语种必上网站 - 国内小语种学习网站

新概念意大利语发音辅导 6


b-b as in bag [b] bacca (bakka)

c-before a, o, or u like k in key [k] or before i without a vowel after it l

ike ch in cheese and the i is not silent [t?i] or before i with a vowel afte

r it like ch in cheese and the i is silent [t?] cabina (kabina), cinque (t?i

nkwe), ciuco (t?uko)

ch-k as in key [k] chimico (kimiko)

d-d as in dog [d] danno (danno)

f-f as in fair [f] facchino (fakkino)


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